Education Program > Other Compulsory Education | KICTE(Korea Institute Of Construction Technology Education)

Other Compulsory Education

KICTE Other Compulsory Education
Safety Review Training for Residential Property Managers
  • This course aims to learn various laws, safety checks, reporting skills, maintenance and repair measure on apartment so that residential property managers shall manage the residential complex effectively, prevent disasters, and ensure the safety and durability.
Architecture in Practice
  • This training shall be conducted for the acquisition of expertise rrecertification requirements of the architect qualificatioin corresponding to the changes and needs of diverse society.
Industrial Safety and Health Act Job Training
  • This course aims to improve job ability of supervisors and safety officer in accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act in Korea.
Business continuity planning(BCP)
  • KCTE is designated as education institute for corporate disaster mitigation activities professional human resources training project by Ministry of Public Safety and Security Korea. This course is intended for professional manpower to minimize the enterprise's damage caused by increasing risk factors due to disasters and environmental changes.

    Ministry of Public Safety and Security is an organization for disaster management that handles all sorts of disasters and safety problems. It was established in an effort to create a prompt, comprehensive system, to cope with disasters and safety problems by building a powerful disaster and safety control tower.