Training Program
- International Cooperation
- Training Program
Background / Objective / Program Types
- Background
In 1983, first training program for foreign government officials in construction field was held in KICTE with financial support from Ministry of Construction, Korea. In the line with the 'South-South Cooperation' the training meant not just technical assistance to other developing countries but also economic and political cooperation among developing countries, pursuing common prosperity.
Since 1983. KICTE has offered training program for over 1,600 fellows from 71 countries. Over 30 years experience, the training program has been developed and subdivided in order to meet the needs of partner countries. Moreover, with establishment of KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) under Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1991, KICTE has operated several training programs annually through ODA fund.
Besides, KICTE is now expanding boundaries to overseas by establishing education institutes of construction technology to share knowledge and experiences and to cooperate with global partners.
- Objective
KICTE works with organizations around the world to tailor programs each organization's specific to objectives. Our customized programs provide a one-of-a-kind learning experience that focuses on identifying critical issues and formulating solutions that deliver value for your staff and organization.
- Program Types
ODA Program
KICTE conducts training programs to support partner countries human resource development with Korea's Official Development Assistance through KOICA(grants) and Korea EXIM Bank's EDCF(concessional loan). The objective of programs are to share knowledge and skills of Korea especially in the field of construction, infrastructure development plant operation 8 maintenance, urban planning, and vocational training . for capacity building of public officials, engineers, and teachers.
Main Participants
Government Officials, Engineers. Researchers, Vocational Training Teachers
Customized program for Business
KICTE implements training program upon the requests of construction businesses. The invitational training program for foreign oublic officials and engineers will not only share the knowledge and experience of Korea's advanced construction technology but also foster strengthening cooperation and networking among international contractors and engineers.
Main partners
International Engineering Companies, Development Consulting Agencies
International Organization / Foreign Government Program
Over 30 years of experience, KICTE has provided professional training courses for public officials and engineers upon requests of international organizations, foreign government agencies, and foreign ministries. Training programs are planned by mutual agreements and provided the cus tomized to meet the special needs. Our program will be specially designed in compliance with particular position and duty. The lecturers are mainly composed of professional engineers, professors, public officials. and researchers in the related field to support networking among Korean professionals and the participants.
Main Partners
International Organizations, Foreign Government Aaencies